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This tool helps you to check whether your URL is redirected to another URL or not. Enter the URL you want to check in the box below, if you want to check more than one URL at the same time, each URL must be as one line, click on the "Check Now" button to start checking.

How It Works?

Many of us have lost a valuable search engine traffic, because they do not properly configure our redirection. It is very important that when a search engine to crawl your website it can follow any redirects you have set up. This tool can help you determine that you have created a search engine friendly redirect. We in the construction site, often encounter situations need to redirect the page: 1. Site adjustments (such as changing the web directory structure); 2. The Web page is moved to a new address; 3. To change the page extension (such as application need to be changed .Html .php or .shtml). In this case, if not redirect the user to favorites or search engine database old address only allow access customers receive a 404 page error message traffic lost in vain; furthermore certain registered a number of domain website , also we need to redirect users to access these domain names automatically jump to the primary site and so on.

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